Call for Demos

EAI HealthyIoT 2023 invites you to present demonstrations during the main conference held on October 04-06 in VILA REAL.

Demos provide authors an opportunity to demonstrate or present their work, including cutting-edge research, newly developed service, prototype or product addressing one or more of the suggested topics as presented in the conference scope. A successful submission communicates ideas and concepts in a powerful way that a regular presentation cannot. All accepted submissions are showcased during the conference, where the presenters have the ability to interact with the conference attendees, and showcase their work and technologies. We therefore encourage making your demonstration visually or otherwise appealing and presenting it in an innovative way.

Share your innovation idea, get instant feedback from an expert audience and transform your research project into a business idea.


Inside EAI HealthyIoT 2023, the Demo Track provides authors an opportunity to demonstrate or present their work, including cutting-edge research, newly developed service, prototype or product addressing one or more of the suggested topics as presented in the conference scope. A successful submission communicates ideas and concepts in a powerful way that a regular presentation cannot. All accepted submissions are showcased during the conference, where the presenters have the ability to interact with the conference attendees, and showcase their work and technologies. We therefore encourage making your demonstration visually or otherwise appealing and presenting it in an innovative way.

Submit demo


Authors are solicited to submit original, previously unpublished papers in the following, but not limited to topic areas:

  • IoT Systems and Technologies for Health
    • IoT Systems and Technologies for Health
    • Analysis of Measurement Data in IoT
    • Anomaly Detection on IoT Health and Wellbeing Data
    • Biomedical Signal Processing in IoT
    • Cloud Architectures for Healthcare
    • Health Data Collection
    • Transmission and Storage in IoT
    • Intelligent Sensor Systems and Robots
    • IoT Biosensors and Bioactuators
    • Low Power Wide Area Network in Health monitoring
    • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Data Analysis in Healthcare
    • Network Communications for Health Monitoring
    • Sensor Network Operating Systems and Resource Management
    • Smart textile for Health
    • Smartphone as a Healthy Thing
    • Uncertainty Analysis in IoT-based Technologies
    • Wireless Sensor and Body Area Networks
  • Design, Validation, and Regulatory Issues
    • Design Validation, and Regulatory Issues (Characterization, Assessment and Validation of IoT Devices for Healthcare)
    • Design and Architecture of IoT eHealth Systems
    • Human Factors in IoT and Smart Technology
    • Reliability and Metrological Evaluation of Wearables for Healthcare Safety, Security, Privacy and Forensics in eHealth and IoT
    • Standardization in IoT and Healthcare
  • IoT Applications in Research and Clinical Practice
    • IoT Applications in Research and Clinical Practice
    • Emerging eHealth and mHealth IoT Applications
    • Global Health Applications using IoT
    • Indoor Positioning for Healthcare Across the Lifespan
    • IoT-based Assistive Technologies and Platforms for Wellbeing and Healthcare
    • IoT-based Technologies for Gait and Movement Analysis
    • IoT and mHealth for Population Screening and Disease Prevention
    • IoT Technology for “Quantified Self” Applications
    • Medication Control Through IoT
    • Personalized Healthcare IoT Platforms
    • Smart Homes and Smart Caring Environments
    • Social and Collaborative Healthcare Applications
    • Telemedicine and Remote Monitoring Applications
    • Wellbeing, Mental Health
    • Health, and lifestyle Management Applications


To apply for a demo-presentation describe your demonstrator in an abstract of 500 words maximum. Additionally, provide your requirements regarding hardware as list along with the preference regarding the demo-location.

At least one author of each Demonstration must register for and attend the conference, including their conference demonstrations session.


Papers should be submitted through EAI ‘Confy+‘ system, and have to comply with the Springer format (see Author’s kit section).

  • Demos papers should be in English;
  • Demos papers should be from 6 to 8 pages in length;
  • Demos papers should not have been previously published in demonstration form and not simultaneously submitted to any other venue;
  • Demos papers do NOT follow a double-blind review process.
  • Demos papers are recommended to include, at the end of the abstract, an URL pointing to the video of the demos (up to 5 minutes).

Submissions will be evaluated based on their originality, significance of the contribution to the field, technical correctness and the quality of the presentation. The submission should make explicit how the work offers unique and substantial contribution beyond what has already been published or submitted.


Accepted and registered Demos will be showcased at the venue open to the conference participants. Authors will need to be available for installation, and for facilitating interaction with their work at scheduled times during the conference at their designated Demo table. Authors are expected to bring physical equipment for a prototype demonstration.


All registered papers will be submitted for publishing by Springer and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library. Demos will be published as a part of the EAI HealthyIoT 2023 Conference Proceedings.

Proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in leading indexing services, Ei Compendex, ISI Web of Science, Scopus, CrossRef, Google Scholar, DBLP, as well as EAI’s own EU Digital Library (EUDL).

Accepted submissions will receive a fast-track opportunity to publish an extended version of the paper in one of the indexed EAI Endorsed Transactions.

Important dates

Full Paper Submission Deadline
30 May 2023
Notification Deadline
13 July 2023
Camera-ready deadline
17 September 2023
Start of Conference
4 October 2023
End of Conference
6 October 2023


If you have any questions, please contact the Demos Chair: Marco Duarte Naia –