Presentation guidelines
Oral presentations:
- Presenters should allocate 25 minutes per presentation including time for questions and are asked to follow their allocated presentation time including time for questions and discussions.
- A PC will be available for your presentation. The PC will run Windows 7 and Microsoft Office 2010.
- Your presentation should be uploaded at least 15 minutes before the session starts. Please upload your presentation on the PC, using a USB memory key.
- Presenters should arrive in the meeting room at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the session and should inform the chairperson.
- Handouts of your presentation are not provided by the conference bureau.
Poster presentation:
- Presenters at the poster sessions shall bring their own printed posters. It is not possible to print a poster on site.
- Authors are strongly encouraged to produce a proper poster rather than using multiple sheets of A4 paper.
- Posters can be hung up on both the days of conference. Poster presenters are requested to remove their poster before the end of the conference.
- The maximum display area of the poster panel is A0, 841 x 1189 mm (33.1 x 46.8 inches)
- Poster numbers (according to the conference program) will be disposed on the wall panels.
- Presenters shall be available at the poster session near their poster for the duration of the session in order to answer to the conference participant’s questions.
- Authors will be requested to prepare a 3 min oral presentation (2 ppt slides) of their poster. The Chairmen of the poster sessions will arrange for the 3 min presentations of all posters to be made at the onset of the poster session. It is therefore essential that the presenting author be present at the poster session.